

The parser affects the functions:

  • autocompletion (output of the list of keywords when entering characters)
  • hints
  • go to the place of a variable declaration
  • display of the variable type

Turning off the parser will automatically turn off the functions listed.

Autocomplete option (when pressing the ENTER key complements the final block for functions, cycles, etc.) does not depend on the parser.

+ 1row option creates additional lines when Autocomplete.

+1row - off :
for i as long = 0 to 10
     b +=i

+1row - on:
for i as long = 0 to 10

     b +=i


Option: "Space between Endif when autocomplete" makes it possible to choose what the completion of the code for the IF (endif or end if) code will be completed

It is important to understand that the larger the file, the more desirable it is to set timings to update the parser. The time is selected individually for each computer. For example, on Linux 64-bit with a file size of 2500 lines, set to 50 ms for the timer, 700 ms for the information window and no restrictions for prompts - with such settings I do not experience any inconvenience in editing. For example, on Windows with the same settings, but with a file size of 3,500 lines, there are already brakes when moving the cursor.
The parser automatically reads the full information from the currently editable file (fields of types and enclosures, declarations and bodies of functions, all declarations of variables, distinguishing their scope). From other downloaded (in inactive tabs), the parser reads restricted information (shared variables , type fields and function declarations). Parser can read multiline lines (that is, distinguish between line carries), but does not distinguish between split lines using a colon character (everything that goes after the colon is simply discarded).
Tips for functions as well as with the parser (they depend on the parser) must be adjusted depending on the file size. In principle, it is better to put a small delay for tips in 30-40 ms, 100 ms at a timing parser, but if you do not write large projects, you can off delay for a Tips.